Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chapter 8 The Political Unconscious

This chapter, “The Political Unconscious”, was a very extremely difficult reading for me to comprehend as well. I felt similar to what most of the other postings stated. The language used and the way in which Jameson wrote was different. It almost seemed as if he had so much to say and kind of mixed it all together. What were many of these theorists thinking when they wrote about some of this stuff? Although the material tough to decipher, I was able to pull out a few small points.
In today’s society and throughout the course of history, what is it that shapes our political view points and decisions? The answer is our family, friends, and experiences we have encountered. In other words our political unconscious. This has become a major focus and contribution in relation to political party association. Jameson also pointed out in the chapter how the world of politics is continually changing, which also reflects the view points of people. I was also able to somewhat understand the importance of recording history through non bias documentation. But, it has become obvious that people’s views, especially political views is a large contributor to how things are recorded today.

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